Virtuosi® Immersive Training Program Implemented at Samsung Bioepis
The world's only on-demand 2D and virtual-reality simulation education platform for the pharmaceutical and biotech industries expands its reach into Asia. Virtuosi was created by the technical experts at Quality Executive Partners, Inc. to meet the needs of industry.
Pharmaceutical manufacturing and training innovations required for the industry’s Pharma 4.0 advancement have been accelerating throughout the world, most recently in South Korea, where Samsung Bioepis just adopted Quality Executive Partners Inc.’s Virtuosi immersive learning and training program for manufacturing operators.
Virtuosi’s tech-forward one-of-a-kind platform uses video courses to teach employees analytical and critical thinking skills, including the “why” behind the science. Virtuosi leverages the power of virtual reality interactive experiences to foster the long-term memory of the employee.
“Educating and training the people who make the medicines we put in our bodies is responsibility number one in the pharmaceutical industry,” noted QxP CEO Crystal Mersh, “The evidence is overwhelming that the two teaching methods used by Virtuosi – deep-dive video instruction coupled with applied learning in a virtual simulation, are far superior to the read-and-memorize approach the industry has used since its inception. We must do better because making quality drugs every single time is the commitment we owe to patients.”
Virtuosi was beta-tested by the U.K.’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency and is now in use across the globe at both small biotech firms and large multinational pharmaceutical companies. In 2022, QxP expanded its catalogue of Virtuosi content to include cell and gene therapy processing. Virtuosi is available in five languages.
“We absolutely have to have Education 4.0 for Pharma 4.0, and the standardization of a company’s manufacturing practices is essential, no matter how many facilities they have or where they are located around the world,” said Mersh, “Quality is the priority and consistency is essential. Virtuosi is the only multi-language program providing that consistency.”
QxP’s installation of Virtuosi in South Korea marks a significant step in its expansion into the Asia-Pacific region.
About Virtuosi
Virtuosi is the world’s first and only comprehensive multi-language, on-demand education and virtual-reality simulation training platform for the pharmaceutical and biotech industries. The platform combines 56 in-depth technical courses in Sterile Manufacturing, Microbiology, Cell and Gene Therapy / ATMP with 26 highly immersive virtual reality experiences through which employees apply and practice the techniques they learn. Virtuosi is available in English, French, German, Spanish, and Swedish. Virtuosi is used by large and small pharmaceutical and biotech companies around the globe. https://www.virtuosivr.com/
About Quality Executive Partners, Inc.
Quality Executive Partners, Inc. (QxP) is a global management and technical GMP consulting firm providing the pharmaceutical industry with innovative solutions and revolutionary technical education programs, including Virtuosi. The mission of QxP is to ensure our clients meet their business, quality, and compliance goals simultaneously. We achieve this through a unique partnering relationship that provides technical expertise, educational tools, mentoring, and execution support. Our success is defined by providing timely delivery of those goals coupled with the transfer of knowledge and capability to the client’s team. https://www.qualityexecutivepartners.com/
Link to original press release: https://www.prweb.com/releases/2023/08/prweb19352739.htm