On-Demand Digital Learning
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56 cloud-based courses (60-90 mins each) taught by industry experts.
- Sterile manufacturing
- Microbiology
- Cell and Gene Therapy

VR Interactive Experiences
Practice makes perfect.
Virtuosi has 20 simulations for employees to practice these skills in a virtual environment.
What you need for your training program for onboarding, refresher and remedial learning.

Comprehensive Learning and Training
We thoughtfully developed each Episode with both specific learning objectives and continuity within the curricula. Virtuosi places significant focus on not just the "how," but the "why" behind processes and procedures to increase learner buy-in and compliance.

Knowledge Assessments
Each course includes mini check ins and a final knowledge assessment to confirm what they have learned.
The mini check-ins ensure the employee understands the material every step of the way by reiterating key points, providing coaching, and referencing specific topics areas for review.

24,000 technical terms and definitions are hyperlinked to the Virtuosi glossary to help employees get the information they need. All terms are fully translated in English, French, German, and Spanish.

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Move beyond SOP-based, read-and-understand training. Standardize training across sites and continents. Reduce internal burden on SMEs.

Native Language Education
Ensure content standardization and deep understanding across your global workforce by providing native language education.
Proven Successful Outcomes
Pharma's Education and Training Program
Scalable and Standardized
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Multiple Languages
Course content is available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Swedish to meet the needs of today's global companies.
Skill Uplift
Whether it's two months or 20 years of industry experience, you'll see skill uplift at every level within your organization. Cut onboarding time in half as a compliment to on-the-job training (OJT).
Documented Success
Track the transfer of learner knowledge using checkpoints within, and at the end of, every Episode.
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By educating your employees directly, recognized industry experts help drastically reduce the amount of SME time required for training.
Dedicated Support
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Course Library
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Hours of Education
Technical Courses
VR Interactive Experiences
Level One
Sterility Assurance
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Sterility Assurance
Course Overview
The concepts of sterility assurance spanning facilities, utilities, operators, equipment, and processes, which all work together to support the manufacture of a sterile drug product.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Sterility testing, minimum sterility assurance level, depyrogenation of rubber stoppers, environmental and personnel monitoring, and aseptict technique and behavior.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
The importance of individual processes that work together to manufacture sterile products in a reliable and reproducible manner.
Aseptic Technique and Behavior (ATB), Bioburden, Critical Process Parameter (CPP), Critical Zone, Dosage Forms, Intervention, Risk Assessment (RA), Routes of Administration, Sanitization, Sterility Testing, Sterilization
Aseptic Technique and Behavior in Manufacturing
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Aseptic Technique and Behavior in Manufacturing
Course Overview
Proper aseptic technique and behaviors required throughout the manufacturing process and how they protect the product and patient from contamination.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of aseptic technique and behavior and use of the science of Microbiology to identify contamination at its source.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Hygiene, hand washing, sterile gloving and gowning, surface sanitization, transitions of material and people, cleanroom behaviors, and manual interventions.
Aseptic Processing, Doffing, Donning, Environmental Monitoring, Flora, Handwashing, Hygiene, Line Clearance, Pass-Through, Turbulence, Unidirectional Air Flow (UAF)
Gowning for Classified Environments
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Gowning for Classified Environments
Course Overview
Approach to educating, training, and qualifying personnel for all levels of gowning that are required to support pharmaceutical manufacturing.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Gowning principles, best practices for training, personnel monitoring sample locations, definition of critical junctions, and importance of hand sanitization.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Proper sequence of gowning, appropriate materials, and qualification and consistent personnel monitoring as part of Sterility Assurance Program.
Aseptic Technique and Behavior (ATB), Classified Area, Gowning Qualification, ISO 5, ISO 7, ISO 8, Restricted Access Barrier System (RABS), Risk Assessment (RA), Sanitization, Sterilization
Level Two
Sterilization Process Control
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Sterilization Process Control
Course Overview
Overview of the development and use of steam to sterilize equipment and components required in aseptic manufacturing and testing.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Type of steam ideal for sterilization, sterilization parameters, process parameter validation, autoclave cycle phases, and load definition guidelines.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Sterilization as an integral part of sterility assurance, from basics of the sterilization cycle and its development to the requirements for validation, autoclave operation, SIP operation, alarms, and documentation.
Chemical Indicator (CI), Contamination, Latent Heat, Lethality, Load, Log Reduction, Saturated Steam, Steam-in-Place (SIP), Sterility Assurance Level (SAL), Wrap
Terminal Sterilization Process Control
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Terminal Sterilization Process Control
Course Overview
Overview of the development and use of terminal sterilization, precautions with the process, and ensuring it remains in a state of control.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Appropriate use of terminal sterilization, packaging considerations, validating changes to the sterilization cycle, and application of parametric release.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Terminal sterilization method's ability to assure product is free from microbial contamination as well as concepts and the correct application of terminal sterilization from an operational perspective.
Conduction Heat, Convection Heat, Contamination, Dry Heat, Ethylene Oxide, Heat Labile, F0, Latent Heat, Radiation, Sterility Assurance Level (SAL), Terminal Sterilization
Sterile Filtration Process Control
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Sterile Filtration Process Control
Course Overview
Overview of the use of sterilizing filters to render liquids and gasses sterile, filtration operation and its associated validation lifecycle.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Filter material of construction, media, differential pressure as an indicator of a filter’s strength, and bubble point value.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Materials of Construction, filtration application, process application, validation of sterilization using filtration, and integrity testing.
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API), Aseptic Processing, Colony-Forming Unit (CFU), Hold-Up Volume, Filter Integrity Test (FIT), Nanofiltration, Pore Size Rating, Sterility Assurance Level (SAL)
Depyrogenation Process Control
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Depyrogenation Process Control
Course Overview
Overview of depyrogenation and its criticality to controlling pyrogens, as well as the proper methods to develop, validate, and control depyrogenation cycles for equipment such as tunnels and ovens.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Impact of material of construction, differences between depyrogenation processes in ovens and tunnels, and differences between sterilization and depyrogenation.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Why depyrogenation is critical, how it is achieved, a focus on cycle development and oversight, equipment types, responding to cycle alarms, documentation, and operational maintenance.
Bacterial Endotoxin, Convection, Depyrogenation Tunnel, Lipopolysaccharide, Log Reduction, Periodic Review, Preventive Maintenance (PM), Pyrogen, Residence Time, Thermocouple
Isolator Process Control
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Isolator Process Control
Course Overview
Use of an isolator in the manufacturing of finished pharmaceuticals, approach to developing and validating the isolator decontamination cycle, and application to laboratories is also described.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Largest contributing factor for microbial contamination in a cleanroom; decontamination, qualification, and validation; and, configuration of items in the isolator during decontamination.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Isolator operations challenges, reduction of human intervention to significantly improve sterility assurance, leak testing and glove management.
Air Flow Pattern Studies, Biological Indicators (BI), Chemical Indicators (CI), Critical Process Parameter (CPP), Depyrogenation Oven, Material of Construction (MoC), Sterility Assurance, Terminal Sterilization
The Math and Science of Sterilization and Depyrogenation
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The Math and Science of Sterilization and Depyrogenation
Course Overview
Detailed review of the various methods of sterilization and depyrogenation as well as the importance to patients.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Material compatibility with sterilization methods and critical process parameters and their identification in the sterilization and depyrogenation processes.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Science behind sterilization processes, from steam sterilization to depyrogenation, consideration of material types, and calculation of critical process parameters.
Biological Indicator (BI), Chemical Indicator (CI), Depyrogenation, Endotoxin, Ethylene Oxide, Spore Form, Thermal Mass, Vapor Phase Hydrogen Peroxide (VPHP), Water for Injection (WFI)
Level Three
Facility Cleaning and Disinfection
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Facility Cleaning and Disinfection
Course Overview
Principles behind selecting and applying various disinfectants as well as materials and methods to verify the effectiveness of a disinfection program, thus maintaining the classified environment in a state of control.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Differentiating between cleaning, sanitization, disinfection, and appropriate use of a sporicide, considerations when selecting antimicrobial agents, and use of scientific studies to confirm effectiveness.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Standardized methodologies for the selection and qualification of a disinfecting agent, Environmental Monitoring Performance Qualification, and routine monitoring requirements.
Antimicrobial Agent, Clean In Place (CIP), Clean out of Place (COP), Disinfectant Efficacy, Environmental Monitoring (EM), Pathogen, Room Cleaning Plan, Sporicide, Sterility Assurance Program, Surfactant
Air Flow Pattern Studies
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Air Flow Pattern Studies
Course Overview
Engineering principles and methods to create air suitable for use in a cleanroom environment, how this air is used to protect the product, and test methods for day-to-day activities.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Importance of removal of particulate, HVAC design principles and relevant calculations, and ISO classification system and application.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Engineering principles applied to air flow design, first air principles, operator influence on air flow, proper intervention techniques, air flow pattern studies to support equipment placement, and application to laboratory hoods.
Air Flow Pattern Studies, Aseptic Process Simulation (APS), High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filter, Restricted Access Barrier System (RABS), Turbulence, Unidirectional Air Flow (UAF)
Environmental Monitoring
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Environmental Monitoring
Course Overview
Application of a risk-based approach to developing a comprehensive Environmental Monitoring Program.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Overall understanding of the purpose and elements of the EM program, risk-based program elements, site selection and test methods, and required elements of an EMPQ.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Detailed focus on necessary risk assessments, contamination control principles, facility layout, process flows, air treatment requirements, materials of construction, and access controls.
Action Level, Alert Level, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), EudraLex, Excursion, Genus, Gram Stain, Intervention, Investigation, Risk Assessment (RA), Species, Trend
Level Four
Manufacturing Equipment Use Cycle
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Manufacturing Equipment Use Cycle
Course Overview
Detailed review of the handling of aseptic equipment, including cleaning, wrapping, sterilization or depyrogenation, staging, and aseptic installation.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Importance of proper sequencing, containment of waste, labeling of equipment, reduction of manipulations, and documentation requirements for cleaning cycles.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Cycle of processing and using equipment: cleaning, wrapping, sterilization, transportation, staging, aseptic installation, disassembly, and either discard or return for cleaning.
Aseptic Connection, Aseptic Processing, Aseptic Technique and Behavior (ATB), Clean Hold Time (CHT), Contamination, Critical Zone, Depyrogenation, First Air, ISO 5, ISO 7, ISO 8, Risk Assessment (RA), Supplier Quality Program, Sterilization, Wrap
Equipment Cleaning
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Equipment Cleaning
Course Overview
Review of the importance of cleaning process equipment, the basics of cleaning process control, and an overview of the various cleaning methods.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Possible contaminants targeted by equipment cleaning, general steps of a cleaning process, considerations applied to CIP and COP, and preparation of cleaning validation protocols.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Removal of product, cleaning agent, residual water, and microbiological contaminants as well as best practices for cycle development, load configuration, and analytical methods.
Bioburden, Clean In Place (CIP), Clean Out of Place (COP), Commissioning, Critical Process Parameter (CPP), Endotoxin, Residue, Risk Assessment (RA), Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
Formulation of Bulk Product
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Formulation of Bulk Product
Course Overview
Review of the configuration and vessels used in formulation, as well as the validation and execution of the formulation process required for aseptic manufacturing.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Equipment types and applications, principles applied to order of ingredient addition, purpose of vessel transfer, grouping of equipment to support validation matrices, and product hold times.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Formulation design, components, supporting equipment, and utilities to manufacture a product that contains the required sterility as well as concentrations of each ingredient to protect patients.
Aseptic Connection, Continued Process Verification (CPV), Reprocessing, Sampling Plan, Sterile Filtration, Stability Testing, Sterility Testing
Container Closure Integrity and Visual Inspection
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Container Closure Integrity and Visual Inspection
Course Overview
Importance of product packaging remaining integral to protect the drug as well as the approaches to visual inspection for defects.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Purpose of container closure, definition of a fully integral container, integrity test method validation requirements, extrinsic particle risks, and best practices for manual visual inspection.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Container closure integrity and packaging requirements as well as visual inspection methods to assure potential defects are identified and culled out to minimize impact on patient safety.
Acceptable Quality Level (AQL), Defect, Integral, International Organization of Standardization (ISO), United States Pharmacopeia (USP), World Health Organization (WHO)
Aseptic Process Simulation
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Aseptic Process Simulation
Course Overview
Proper techniques and program requirements for validating an aseptic process and maintaining the validated state of that process.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Sterility assurance level, key elements of aseptic processing, and requirements of process simulations as they relate to change control throughout the facility and product life cycle.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Robust process to ensure product sterility, aseptic process simulation to demonstrating the ability to consistently produce sterile material, and limitations of the sterility test method.
Aseptic Technique and Behavior (ATB), Critical Quality Attribute (CQA), Data Integrity (DI), Gowning, Overkill, Probability of Non-Sterile Unit (PNSU), Risk Assessment (RA), Sterility Assurance
Level One
Industrial Microbiology
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Industrial Microbiology
Course Overview
Overview of the foundational aspects of microbiology and the skills, tools, and steps used to analyze and reduce microbiological contamination and support the life cycle of a drug.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Data integrity in the microbiology laboratory, importance of sample integrity, equipment qualification, and growth promotion of media used for enumeration.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Equipment qualification and maintenance, along with design, validation, and execution of a variety of test methods.
Biological Indicator (BI), Bacterial Endotoxin Testing (BET), Data Integrity (DI), Method Suitability, Genus, Sample Integrity, Species, Sterility Assurance
Microbiology Laboratory Practices
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Microbiology Laboratory Practices
Course Overview
Concepts and approaches to laboratory design and layout, supplies and consumables management, microbiology equipment, aseptic techniques, and principles for microbial enumeration.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Location of testing specific areas, efficiency principles applied to consumables (first expiry, first out), proper pipette use, and application to serial dilutions, including relevant calculations.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Inventory management of supplies, investigation of results to identify source of contamination, laboratory maintenance, and data integrity applications.
Aseptic Technique and Behavior (ATB), Bacterial Endotoxin Testing (BET), Bioburden, Colony Forming Unit (CFU), Depyrogenation, Gram Stain, Microbial Enumeration, Sanitization, Serial Dilution, Sterilization, Viable Particulate, Turbidity
Media, Buffers, and Reagent Management
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Media, Buffers, and Reagent Management
Course Overview
Explore the foundational principles of media and its importance in supporting routine testing and processing of samples — specifically buffers, reagents, and microbiological media.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Various types of media and their composition, application, and suitability for different test methods, impact of pH, role of surfactants, choice of media containers, and purpose of quality control testing.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Commonly used materials, including preparation, sterilization, and validation of growth media with recommended steps and storage considerations; sterility and growth promotion testing.
Acceptance Criteria, Aliquot, Colony, Environmental Monitoring (EM), Fermentation, Genotype, Method Validation, Morphology, Selective Media, Subculture, Surfactant
Aseptic Technique and Behavior in Laboratories
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Aseptic Technique and Behavior in Laboratories
Course Overview
Presentation of the aseptic techniques and behaviors used by laboratory personnel, including the importance of hygiene, gloving, and surface sanitization.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Understanding what aseptic technique and behaviors are and why they are important, including handwashing and hygiene, glove selection and donning techniques, sample types, and tools for sample collection.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Engineering controls, aseptic techniques and behaviors applied to both housekeeping and testing in the laboratory.
Cross-contamination, Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC), High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filter, Isolator, Laminar Air Flow, Personnel Monitoring, Sanitization
Sampling and Sample Management
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Sampling and Sample Management
Course Overview
Overview of the role of the QC unit and its responsibilities regarding the sampling process, methodologies, and handling of incoming and in-process materials as well as finished products intended for microbiological analysis.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
General process for any sampling event, including materials, methods and tools, required data points for a sample submission form, and importance of sample storage.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Life cycle of sample management and developing a sampling plan, including labeling, handling, and document control, ensuring chain of custody, and accurate disposition decisions.
Aerobic, Anaerobic, Disposition, Chain of Custody, Parametric Release, Point of Use (PoU), Reserve Sample, Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Water for Injection (WFI), Risk Assessment (RA)
Level Two
Microbial Identification and Culture Maintenance
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Microbial Identification and Culture Maintenance
Course Overview
Identification of microbes using a variety of techniques and approaches to maintain microbial cultures in the laboratory in both the short and long term.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Confirming the ability to determine an appropriate identification technique and to apply that technique to theoretical results.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Confirming the identity of microbes spanning techniques from appearance on solid media to biochemical tests and genotypic methods along with best practices for maintaining cultures over different periods.
Agar Slant, Cryoprotectant, Genotype, Gram Stain, Isolate, Lyophilization, Morphology, Passage, Pathogenicity, Phenotype, Pure Culture, Reference Culture, Stock Culture, Suitability Study, Taxonomy, Working Culture
Microbial Limits Testing
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Microbial Limits Testing
Course Overview
Overview of ways to assess microbial quality of drug substances, raw materials, and nonsterile finished products as they pertain to the manufacturing of finished pharmaceuticals.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Preparation of samples with differing attributes, quantitative versus qualitative testing, and specified microorganisms appropriate to demonstrate growth across different media types.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Method suitability and its importance for preparing samples, definition of appropriate media for various organisms, and interpreting final results.
Acceptance Criteria, Coliform, Emulsion, Filtration Manifold, Membrane Filtration, Microbial Enumeration, Pathogenic, Pour Plate Method, Spread Plate Method, Subculture
Sterility Testing
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Sterility Testing
Course Overview
Purpose and application of sterility testing, the appropriate materials, methods, and equipment for execution, and how to interpret the results.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Statistical relationship between a sample and an entire batch, confirmation of the required materials to perform sterility testing, and approaches to investigating sterility test failures.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Importance of sterility testing and its limitations, with an emphasis on producing sterile drugs using strong aseptic techniques and behaviors to protect patients.
Aseptic Processing, Classified Area, Isolator, Method Suitability, Septicemia, Sterility Assurance, Species, Surfactant, Turbidity, Vapor Phase Hydrogen Peroxide (VPHP)
Bacterial Endotoxin Testing
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Bacterial Endotoxin Testing
Course Overview
Overview of bacterial endotoxin and their effect on patients, test method overview and limitations, and suitability requirements, as well as methods for removal and destruction of pyrogens.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Methods to affect or destroy endotoxin, strategies to determine limits, and endotoxin test method types and descriptions.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Nature of endotoxin formation, controls, and ways to remove or destroy endotoxin; testing of samples to guide process development and support method validation; and ongoing process and product monitoring.
Chromogenic Assay, Endotoxin Units (EU), Gram-Negative, Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate (LAL), Photometric Measurement, Qualitative, Quantitative, Reference Standard Endotoxin (RSE), Turbidity
Preservatives and Antimicrobial Effectiveness Testing
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Preservatives and Antimicrobial Effectiveness Testing
Course Overview
Overview of why certain pharmaceutical products require preservatives, how preservatives are selected, and how they are tested for antimicrobial effectiveness.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Standard antimicrobial effectiveness testing, calculation of log reduction for one bacterial organism, method suitability, and impact of preventing microbial contamination of sterile drugs.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Methods of preservation, antimicrobial effectiveness test method requirements, materials and media used, method suitability, calculations, and final interpretation of results.
Aseptic Technique and Behavior (ATB), Bracketing, Homogeneity, Oxidation, Pour Plate Method, Risk Assessment (RA), Route of Administration, Serial Dilution, Shelf Life
Sterilization Indicator Control and Usage
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Sterilization Indicator Control and Usage
Course Overview
Theory of sterilization indicator use to demonstrate sterilization process adequacy and endotoxin indicator application to depyrogenation cycles.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Nature of biological and chemical indicators, calculation of bioburden, cycle lethality, endotoxin indicators, reduction in endotoxin units, and D-value determination methods.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Production, qualification, and use of various indicators to support design as well as, validation and ongoing monitoring of sterilization or depyrogenation processes.
Bacterial Endotoxin Test (BET), D-Value, Genetic Sequencing, Heat Shock, Lyophilization, Maceration, Pyrogen, Resistance, Serial Dilution, Spore Form, Steam Sterilization, Vegetative Form
Level Three
Microbiology Data Evaluation and Reporting
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Microbiology Data Evaluation and Reporting
Course Overview
Review of important concepts for how data from the microbiology laboratory is generated, analyzed, trended, and evaluated and how good documentation practices protect data integrity.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
USP and EP monographs and specifications, application of serial dilutions, and calculation of log reduction as part of Antimicrobial Effectiveness Testing.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Concept of data and its importance spanning test methods, procedures, and data analysis to inform decisions about facilities, product, and data integrity practices.
Acceptance Criteria, Alert Level, Environmental Monitoring (EM), Out of Level (OOL), Out of Specification (OOS), Quantitative, Qualitative, Too Numerous to Count (TNTC), Trend
Microbiological Investigations
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Microbiological Investigations
Course Overview
Overview of the concepts required to identify and investigate microbiological results that have deviated from predefined acceptance criteria or internal levels.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Differentiation between specifications, levels, and internal limits and understanding the differences between Phase I and Phase II investigations.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Elements of an effective Microbiology Investigation Program, test cases on applying guidance on criteria that are reviewed to support batch disposition, and follow-up actions.
Alert Level, Assignable Cause, Corrective and Preventative Action (CAPA) Effectiveness, Failure Mode, Growth Promotion, Interventions, Microbial Enumeration, Negative Control, Positive Control, Specification, Sterility Testing, Trend
Microbiology Method Suitability
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Microbiology Method Suitability
Course Overview
Approach to choosing a microbiological test method for products, raw materials, and components, and how to evaluate the method’s suitability for use.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Method suitability types, considerations, phases, elements, and life cycle, and ability to evaluate proper aseptic technique.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Method verification, method validation, alternative method validation, test cases to enhance understanding, and the life cycle of method suitability.
Acceptance Criteria, Data Integrity (DI), Disinfectant Efficacy, Growth Curve, Growth Promotion, Life Cycle, Objectionable Organisms, Standard Curve, Supplier Qualification Program, Unidirectional Air Flow (UAF)
Level Three
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Level One
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Course Overview
Learn and practice the steps for successful handwashing to aid in contamination control.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of learning proper handwashing and how it helps to prevent the spread of contamination.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Hygiene, Handwashing, Contamination Control
Handwashing, Contamination
Microbiology Laboratory Practices
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Microbiology Laboratory Practices
Course Overview
Concepts and approaches to laboratory design and layout, supplies and consumables management, microbiology equipment, aseptic techniques, and principles for microbial enumeration.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Location of testing specific areas, efficiency principles applied to consumables (first expiry, first out), proper pipette use, and application to serial dilutions, including relevant calculations.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Inventory management of supplies, investigation of results to identify source of contamination, laboratory maintenance, and data integrity applications.
Aseptic Technique and Behavior (ATB), Bacterial Endotoxin Testing (BET), Bioburden, Colony Forming Unit (CFU), Depyrogenation, Gram Stain, Microbial Enumeration, Sanitization, Serial Dilution, Sterilization, Viable Particulate, Turbidity
Aseptic Technique and Behavior in Laboratories
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Aseptic Technique and Behavior in Laboratories
Course Overview
Presentation of the aseptic techniques and behaviors used by laboratory personnel, including the importance of hygiene, gloving, and surface sanitization.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Understanding what aseptic technique and behaviors are and why they are important, including handwashing and hygiene, glove selection and donning techniques, sample types, and tools for sample collection.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Engineering controls, aseptic techniques and behaviors applied to both housekeeping and testing in the laboratory.
Cross-contamination, Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC), High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filter, Isolator, Laminar Air Flow, Personnel Monitoring, Sanitization
Aseptic Technique and Behavior in Manufacturing
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Aseptic Technique and Behavior in Manufacturing
Course Overview
Proper aseptic technique and behaviors required throughout the manufacturing process and how they protect the product and patient from contamination.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of aseptic technique and behavior and use of the science of Microbiology to identify contamination at its source.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Hygiene, hand washing, sterile gloving and gowning, surface sanitization, transitions of material and people, cleanroom behaviors, and manual interventions.
Aseptic Processing, Doffing, Donning, Environmental Monitoring, Flora, Handwashing, Hygiene, Line Clearance, Pass-Through, Turbulence, Unidirectional Air Flow (UAF)
Level Two
Large Volume Pipetting
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Large Volume Pipetting
Course Overview
Learn the specific techniques and methods for using pipettes and pipettors to ensure that the correct volumes are transferred and used in the manufacture or testing process.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Includes practice activities, coaching and feedback to teach good techniques for pipetting large volumes, and allows the learner to practice these techniques in a virtual laboratory setting.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Liquid Transfer, Precision and Accuracy, Laboratory Controls
Nominal Volume, Headspace, Viscous, Calibration, To Deliver (TD), Blow Out, To Contain (TC)
Introduction to Micropipetting
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Introduction to Micropipetting
Course Overview
Learn and practice good techniques for using micropipettes to transfer liquid.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Includes practice activities, coaching and feedback to teach good techniques for transferring liquids using micropipettes, and allows the learner to practice these techniques in a virtual laboratory setting.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Liquid Transfer, Precision and Accuracy, Laboratory Controls
Nominal Volume, Headspace, Viscous, Calibration, To Deliver (TD), Blow Out, To Contain (TC), Forward Pipetting, Reverse Pipetting
Pipetting Small Volumes
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Pipetting Small Volumes
Course Overview
Learn and practice good techniques for pipetting small volumes.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Includes practice activities, coaching and feedback to teach good techniques for pipetting small volumes, and allows the learner to practice these techniques in a virtual laboratory setting.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Liquid Transfer, Precision and Accuracy, Laboratory Controls
Nominal Volume, Headspace, Viscous, Calibration, To Deliver (TD), Blow Out, To Contain (TC), Forward Pipetting, Reverse Pipetting
Multichannel Pipette Techniques
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Multichannel Pipette Techniques
Course Overview
Learn and practice good techniques for pipetting using a multichannel pipette.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Includes practice activities, coaching and feedback to teach good techniques for using a multichannel pipette, and allows the learner to practice these techniques in a virtual laboratory setting.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Liquid Transfer, Precision and Accuracy, Laboratory Controls
Nominal Volume, Headspace, Viscous, Calibration, To Deliver (TD), Blow Out, To Contain (TC), Forward Pipetting, Reverse Pipetting, Multichannel Pipette
Aseptic Technique and Behavior in a Cleanroom
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Aseptic Technique and Behavior in a Cleanroom
Course Overview
Learn about the proper aseptic technique and behaviors required throughout the manufacturing process and how they protect the product and patient from contamination.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of aseptic technique and behavior and use of the science of Microbiology to identify contamination at its source.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Hygiene, Handwashing, Sterile Gloving and Gowning, Surface Sanitization, Transitions of Material and People, Cleanroom Behaviors, Manual Interventions
Aseptic Processing, Doffing, Donning, Environmental Monitoring, Flora, Handwashing, Hygiene, Line Clearance, Pass-Through, Turbulence, Unidirectional Air Flow (UAF)
Vertical and Horizontal Air Flow
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Vertical and Horizontal Air Flow
Course Overview
Learn how personnel and materials impact vertical and horizontal airflow, explore how personnel movement affects airflow, and practice moving in a way that minimizes airflow disruption.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of learning the proper techniques and behaviors when operating in a vertical or horizontal airflow environment, and the impact of incorrect actions.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Airflow, Aseptic Techniques and Behaviors, Slow and Deliberate Movement
Aseptic Processing, Environmental Monitoring, Vertical Airflow, Horizontal Airflow
Microbial Identification and Culture Maintenance
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Microbial Identification and Culture Maintenance
Course Overview
Identification of microbes using a variety of techniques and approaches to maintain microbial cultures in the laboratory in both the short and long term.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Confirming the ability to determine an appropriate identification technique and to apply that technique to theoretical results.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Confirming the identity of microbes spanning techniques from appearance on solid media to biochemical tests and genotypic methods along with best practices for maintaining cultures over different periods.
Agar Slant, Cryoprotectant, Genotype, Gram Stain, Isolate, Lyophilization, Morphology, Passage, Pathogenicity, Phenotype, Pure Culture, Reference Culture, Stock Culture, Suitability Study, Taxonomy, Working Culture
Microbial Limits Testing
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Microbial Limits Testing
Course Overview
Overview of ways to assess microbial quality of drug substances, raw materials, and nonsterile finished products as they pertain to the manufacturing of finished pharmaceuticals.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Preparation of samples with differing attributes, quantitative versus qualitative testing, and specified microorganisms appropriate to demonstrate growth across different media types.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Method suitability and its importance for preparing samples, definition of appropriate media for various organisms, and interpreting final results.
Acceptance Criteria, Coliform, Emulsion, Filtration Manifold, Membrane Filtration, Microbial Enumeration, Pathogenic, Pour Plate Method, Spread Plate Method, Subculture
Sterility Testing
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Sterility Testing
Course Overview
Purpose and application of sterility testing, the appropriate materials, methods, and equipment for execution, and how to interpret the results.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Statistical relationship between a sample and an entire batch, confirmation of the required materials to perform sterility testing, and approaches to investigating sterility test failures.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Importance of sterility testing and its limitations, with an emphasis on producing sterile drugs using strong aseptic techniques and behaviors to protect patients.
Aseptic Processing, Classified Area, Isolator, Method Suitability, Septicemia, Sterility Assurance, Species, Surfactant, Turbidity, Vapor Phase Hydrogen Peroxide (VPHP)
Bacterial Endotoxin Testing
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Bacterial Endotoxin Testing
Course Overview
Overview of bacterial endotoxin and their effect on patients, test method overview and limitations, and suitability requirements, as well as methods for removal and destruction of pyrogens.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Methods to affect or destroy endotoxin, strategies to determine limits, and endotoxin test method types and descriptions.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Nature of endotoxin formation, controls, and ways to remove or destroy endotoxin; testing of samples to guide process development and support method validation; and ongoing process and product monitoring.
Chromogenic Assay, Endotoxin Units (EU), Gram-Negative, Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate (LAL), Photometric Measurement, Qualitative, Quantitative, Reference Standard Endotoxin (RSE), Turbidity
Level Three
Facility Cleaning and Disinfection
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Facility Cleaning and Disinfection
Course Overview
Principles behind selecting and applying various disinfectants as well as materials and methods to verify the effectiveness of a disinfection program, thus maintaining the classified environment in a state of control.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Differentiating between cleaning, sanitization, disinfection, and appropriate use of a sporicide, considerations when selecting antimicrobial agents, and use of scientific studies to confirm effectiveness.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Standardized methodologies for the selection and qualification of a disinfecting agent, Environmental Monitoring Performance Qualification, and routine monitoring requirements.
Antimicrobial Agent, Clean In Place (CIP), Clean out of Place (COP), Disinfectant Efficacy, Environmental Monitoring (EM), Pathogen, Room Cleaning Plan, Sporicide, Sterility Assurance Program, Surfactant
Air Flow Pattern Studies
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Air Flow Pattern Studies
Course Overview
Engineering principles and methods to create air suitable for use in a cleanroom environment, how this air is used to protect the product, and test methods for day-to-day activities.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Importance of removal of particulate, HVAC design principles and relevant calculations, and ISO classification system and application.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Engineering principles applied to air flow design, first air principles, operator influence on air flow, proper intervention techniques, air flow pattern studies to support equipment placement, and application to laboratory hoods.
Air Flow Pattern Studies, Aseptic Process Simulation (APS), High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Filter, Restricted Access Barrier System (RABS), Turbulence, Unidirectional Air Flow (UAF)
Environmental Monitoring
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Environmental Monitoring
Course Overview
Application of a risk-based approach to developing a comprehensive Environmental Monitoring Program.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Overall understanding of the purpose and elements of the EM program, risk-based program elements, site selection and test methods, and required elements of an EMPQ.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Detailed focus on necessary risk assessments, contamination control principles, facility layout, process flows, air treatment requirements, materials of construction, and access controls.
Action Level, Alert Level, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), EudraLex, Excursion, Genus, Gram Stain, Intervention, Investigation, Risk Assessment (RA), Species, Trend
Level Four
Manufacturing Equipment Use Cycle
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Manufacturing Equipment Use Cycle
Course Overview
Detailed review of the handling of aseptic equipment, including cleaning, wrapping, sterilization or depyrogenation, staging, and aseptic installation.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Importance of proper sequencing, containment of waste, labeling of equipment, reduction of manipulations, and documentation requirements for cleaning cycles.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Cycle of processing and using equipment: cleaning, wrapping, sterilization, transportation, staging, aseptic installation, disassembly, and either discard or return for cleaning.
Aseptic Connection, Aseptic Processing, Aseptic Technique and Behavior (ATB), Clean Hold Time (CHT), Contamination, Critical Zone, Depyrogenation, First Air, ISO 5, ISO 7, ISO 8, Risk Assessment (RA), Supplier Quality Program, Sterilization, Wrap
Container Closure Integrity and Visual Inspection
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Container Closure Integrity and Visual Inspection
Course Overview
Importance of product packaging remaining integral to protect the drug as well as the approaches to visual inspection for defects.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Purpose of container closure, definition of a fully integral container, integrity test method validation requirements, extrinsic particle risks, and best practices for manual visual inspection.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Container closure integrity and packaging requirements as well as visual inspection methods to assure potential defects are identified and culled out to minimize impact on patient safety.
Acceptable Quality Level (AQL), Defect, Integral, International Organization of Standardization (ISO), United States Pharmacopeia (USP), World Health Organization (WHO)
Level One
Introduction to ATMPs
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Introduction to ATMPs
Course Overview
Explore the purpose of ATMPs, the basic types and their uses, their advantages and disadvantages over conventional pharmaceuticals, and their importance to patients.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of understanding the types of ATMPs, how they are different from conventional pharmaceuticals, how ATMPs impact the patient population, and the importance of maintaining a state of control during the manufacturing process.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Biology, Manufacturing, Quality Systems, Holding and Distribution, Human Performance
Advanced Therapies / ATMP, Conventional Pharmaceutical, Quality Systems, Gene Therapy, Cell Therapy, Primary (Differentiated) Cells, Stem Cells, CAR-T Therapy, Antibody-Drug Conjugate / ADC, cATMPs, Allogeneic Therapy, Autologous Therapy,
Life Science Fundamentals - Cells, Genes, and Proteins
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Life Science Fundamentals - Cells, Genes, and Proteins
Course Overview
Explore how cells, genes, and proteins are fundamental to living things, and why they are also fundamental to many of the processes and concepts in biopharmaceutical manufacturing.  
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of understanding the structure, function, and role of cells, genes, and proteins in the treatment of disease.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Biology, Biotechnology, Bioprocessing, Genetic Engineering, Cell and Gene Therapy
Bioprocessing, Cell, Eukaryotic, Prokaryotic, Unicellular, Multicellular, Biomolecules, Proteins, Amino Acids, DNA, Nucleotides, Genome, RNA, Transcription, Translation, RNA Polymerase, Codon, Post-translational Modifications, Central Dogma, Mutation, Biotechnology, Plasmid, Recombinant, Genetic Engineering
The Science Behind ATMPs
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The Science Behind ATMPs
Course Overview
Learn about the specific scientific principles at the foundation of ATMP manufacturing and quality control, including different methodologies of nucleic acid transfer and cellular modification, viral vectors, types of cells, and cellular potency.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
The process of how cell and gene therapies work and are categorized, as well as the aspects of assessing the quality of a therapy before patient use.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Genetic Engineering, Genetic Modification, ATMPs, Quality, Stem Cells
Nucleic Acids, RNA Polymerase, Plasmid, Mutation, Gene therapy, Transfection, Viral Vector, Genome, Ex-vivo, In-vivo, Cell Therapy, Primary (Differentiated) Cells, Stem Cells, Multipotent Stem Cells, Pluripotent Stem Cells, Embryonic Stem Cells, cATMPs, Contamination, Adventitious Agents
ATMP Manufacturing Overview
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ATMP Manufacturing Overview
Course Overview
Explore the ATMP manufacturing process, including the common unit operations, and understand challenges related to preventing microbial contamination and cross contamination.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Human performance, operator and verifier roles/responsibilities, Upstream and Downstream process steps, contamination control
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
ATMPs, Human Performance, Contamination Control, Upstream Processing, Downstream Processing
Bioprocessing, Unit Operations, Performer, Verifier, Working Cell Bank, Thawing, Culture Media, Cell Proliferation, Adherent Culture, Suspension Culture, Passaging, Harvest, Headspace, Autologous, Allogeneic, Cell Viability, Resolution, Centrifugation, Filtration, Chromatography, Cross Contamination
The Quality Management System
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The Quality Management System
Course Overview
Learn about the quality management system, the individual quality systems within, and how it functions to ensure the quality and safety of a therapy.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of understanding the purpose and function of each department that comprises a Quality Management System (QMS).
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
QMS, Audits and Inspections, Validation, Deviation Management
Quality Management System (QMS), Adverse Reactions, Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Validation, Change Control, Deviation, Audit
Quality in Manufacturing Support Functions
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Quality in Manufacturing Support Functions
Course Overview
Explore the processes related to the Quality Management System (QMS) and functions that support product manufacture, including the challenges that arise in maintaining quality during ATMP manufacturing.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of understanding specific quality elements in the testing laboratory and engineering group, and importance of all involved remaining focused on quality in their work.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
QMS, Quality Control, Laboratory, Reagents and Standards Management, Method Validation, Chain of Custody, Facilities and Engineering, Preventative Maintenance
Analytical Laboratory, Â Reagent Management, Standards, Method Validation, Chain of Custody, Facilities and Engineering, Equipment Qualification, Preventative Maintenance, Calibration, Site Acceptance Test, Performance Verification
Aseptic Technique and Behavior Essentials
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Aseptic Technique and Behavior Essentials
Course Overview
Learn the proper aseptic technique and behaviors required throughout the manufacturing process and how they protect the product and patient from contamination.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of aseptic technique and behavior and use of the science of Microbiology to identify contamination at its source.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Hygiene, Handwashing, Sterile Gloving and Gowning, Surface Sanitization, Transitions of Material and People, Cleanroom Behaviors, Manual Interventions
Aseptic Processing, Doffing, Donning, Environmental Monitoring, Flora, Handwashing, Hygiene, Line Clearance, Pass-Through, Turbulence, Unidirectional Air Flow (UAF)
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Course Overview
Learn and practice the steps for successful handwashing to aid in contamination control.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of learning proper handwashing and how it helps to prevent the spread of contamination.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Hygiene, Handwashing, Contamination Control
Handwashing, Contamination
Non-Sterile Gowning
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Non-Sterile Gowning
Course Overview
Learn about gowning materials and their attributes, as well as how to properly don and doff non-sterile gowning.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Gowning principles, best practices for training, personnel monitoring sample locations, definition of critical junctions, and importance of hand sanitization.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Proper sequence of gowning, appropriate materials, and qualification and consistent personnel monitoring as part of Sterility Assurance Program.
Aseptic Technique and Behavior (ATB), Classified Area, Gowning Qualification, ISO 5, ISO 7, ISO 8, Restricted Access Barrier System (RABS), Risk Assessment (RA), Sanitization, Sterilization
Gene Therapy Manufacturing Overview
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Gene Therapy Manufacturing Overview
Course Overview
Explore the types of gene therapy and learn about the upstream and downstream manufacturing processes, including aspects of product quality oversight.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of learning about the types of vectors, vector creation, and final purification of a gene therapy, as well as the expectations for the QMS functions.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Gene Therapy, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Cell Expansion, Purification, Quality
Viral Vectors, Upstream Processing, Plasmid, Cell Bank, Expansion, Sterile Filtration, Downstream Processing, Process Monitoring
Introduction to Virtuosi
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Introduction to Virtuosi
Course Overview
Learn about what to expect from the Virtuosi experience, including the methodology for conveying information, engaging critical thinking, and gauging understanding, as well as instructions for using the Virtual Reality workstations.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of understanding Virtuosi's key terms and successfully navigating through the educational platform.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Training, Learning Theory, Knowledge Assessment
Virtuosi, Bloom's Taxonomy, Virtual Reality Interactive Experiences, VR Demonstration, Technology Series, Episodes, Video Lectures, Process Checks, Knowledge Assessments, Learning Plans, Segments, Key Terms, Coaching, VR Lab, Hand Controllers, Trigger, Landing Zone, Alarm, Superusers, Hints
Level Two
Pipettes and Pipette Aids
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Pipettes and Pipette Aids
Course Overview
Learn the purpose of pipettes and pipetting, and understand the commonly used types of pipettes and pipette aids, and how and when each is used.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of understanding pipette aid function and types, and basic pipette handling.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Liquid Transfer, Precision and Accuracy, Laboratory Controls
Pipette, Pipette Tips, Pipette Aid, Graduated Pipette, Micropipette, Volumetric Pipette, Automatic Pipettors, Â Meniscus, Micropipette, Multi Channel Micropipettor, Â Repeating Pipettor, Single Channel Micropipettor
Pipette Use and Care
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Pipette Use and Care
Course Overview
This episode explores gowning materials and their attributes, as well as how to properly don and doff non-sterile gowning.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of learning how to select the appropriate pipette and use it to accurately perform a liquid transfer, as well as calibration and maintenance expectations.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Liquid Transfer, Precision and Accuracy, Laboratory Controls
Nominal Volume, Headspace, Viscous, Calibration, To Deliver (TD), Blow Out, To Contain (TC), Forward Pipetting, Reverse Pipetting, Multichannel Pipette
Large Volume Pipetting
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Large Volume Pipetting
Course Overview
Learn the specific techniques and methods for using pipettes and pipettors to ensure that the correct volumes are transferred and used in the manufacture or testing process.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Includes practice activities, coaching and feedback to teach good techniques for pipetting large volumes, and allows the learner to practice these techniques in a virtual laboratory setting.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Liquid Transfer, Precision and Accuracy, Laboratory Controls
Nominal Volume, Headspace, Viscous, Calibration, To Deliver (TD), Blow Out, To Contain (TC)
Introduction to Micropipetting
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Introduction to Micropipetting
Course Overview
Learn and practice good techniques for using micropipettes to transfer liquid.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Includes practice activities, coaching and feedback to teach good techniques for transferring liquids using micropipettes, and allows the learner to practice these techniques in a virtual laboratory setting.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Liquid Transfer, Precision and Accuracy, Laboratory Controls
Nominal Volume, Headspace, Viscous, Calibration, To Deliver (TD), Blow Out, To Contain (TC), Forward Pipetting, Reverse Pipetting
Pipetting Small Volumes
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Pipetting Small Volumes
Course Overview
Learn and practice good techniques for pipetting small volumes.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Includes practice activities, coaching and feedback to teach good techniques for pipetting small volumes, and allows the learner to practice these techniques in a virtual laboratory setting.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Liquid Transfer, Precision and Accuracy, Laboratory Controls
Nominal Volume, Headspace, Viscous, Calibration, To Deliver (TD), Blow Out, To Contain (TC), Forward Pipetting, Reverse Pipetting
Multichannel Pipette Techniques
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Multichannel Pipette Techniques
Course Overview
Learn and practice good techniques for pipetting using a multichannel pipette.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Includes practice activities, coaching and feedback to teach good techniques for using a multichannel pipette, and allows the learner to practice these techniques in a virtual laboratory setting.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Liquid Transfer, Precision and Accuracy, Laboratory Controls
Nominal Volume, Headspace, Viscous, Calibration, To Deliver (TD), Blow Out, To Contain (TC), Forward Pipetting, Reverse Pipetting, Multichannel Pipette
Sterile and Non-Sterile Gloving
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Sterile and Non-Sterile Gloving
Course Overview
Explore how gloves help limit contamination risks, and learn the gloving and degloving process, both for sterile and non-sterile gloves.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of understanding personnel responsibility for contamination control and the process for donning gloves.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Contamination Control, Gowning, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
Contamination, Gloving, Non-sterile, Sterile, Double Gloving, Deglove, Donning
Donning Sterile Gloves Demonstration Video
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Donning Sterile Gloves Demonstration Video
Course Overview
Observe the proper technique for aseptically donning sterile gloves.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of understanding how to unpackage, handle, and put on sterile gloves without contacting the exterior portion.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Contamination Control, Gowning, Aseptic Technique
Contamination, Gloving, Non-sterile, Sterile, Double Gloving, Deglove, Donning
Surface Sanitization
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Surface Sanitization
Course Overview
Learn the process for cleaning and sanitizing surfaces in a classified area, to prevent contamination.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of performing cleaning and sanitizing work surfaces, equipment surfaces, and the correct method for folding and handling wipes.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Contamination Control, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Housekeeping
Sanitized, Disinfectant, Pathogens, Contamination/Sanitized
Sterile Gowning
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Sterile Gowning
Course Overview
Explore the general overview of sterile gowning materials and steps for donning.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of learning the process for handling and wearing sterile gowning, to aid in contamination control within specially classified areas.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Contamination Control, Gowning, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
Gowning, Contamination, Degowning/Doffing
Sterile Gowning Demonstration
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Sterile Gowning Demonstration
Course Overview
Observe an example of a typical gowning process and learn how to aseptically don sterile gowning.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of understanding a typical gowning process, the best practices for sequence and techniques, and contamination control measures that are used during the donning of sterile gowning.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Contamination Control, Gowning, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
Gowning, Contamination, Degowning/Doffing
Biosafety Cabinet Types and Uses
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Biosafety Cabinet Types and Uses
Course Overview
Explore the different biosafety cabinets, how they function, and how they are monitored to ensure contamination control.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of understanding how the function of a BSC aids in the prevention of contamination, and the expectations for monitoring and maintenance.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Contamination Control, Gowning, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
Biosafety Cabinet (BSC), Laminar Airflow Hood (LAF), Laminar Airflow, Aerosol Particles, Microorganisms, HEPA Filter, Biosafety Levels (BSL), Environmental Monitoring (EM)
Preparing to Use the Biosafety Cabinet
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Preparing to Use the Biosafety Cabinet
Course Overview
Explore the various roles for operators using a Class II Type A2 biosafety cabinet (BSC), as well as learn how to aseptically clean and prepare a BSC for use.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of understanding the role of operator and runner, how to gown and prepare a BSC for use, including cleaning, staging, and transitioning in.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Contamination Control, Gowning, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Aseptic Technique and Behaviors
Biosafety Cabinet (BSC), Gowning, Aseptic, Contamination, Disinfectant, Staging, First Air, Transitioning
Operating in a Biosafety Cabinet
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Operating in a Biosafety Cabinet
Course Overview
Learn how to transition into and out of a biosafety cabinet, while maintaining the integrity of first air at all times.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of understanding how to behave aseptically while working inside a BSC, and the techniques utilized when working in First Air to prevent contamination.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Contamination Control, Gowning, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Good Documentation Practices (GDP), Aseptic Technique and Behaviors, Engineering Controls
First Air, Laminar Flow, Turbulence, Contamination, Particulates, Cross Contamination, Aseptic Connections, Disinfected, Aerosolization
Aseptic Technique and Behavior in a Cleanroom
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Aseptic Technique and Behavior in a Cleanroom
Course Overview
Learn about the proper aseptic technique and behaviors required throughout the manufacturing process and how they protect the product and patient from contamination.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of aseptic technique and behavior and use of the science of Microbiology to identify contamination at its source.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Hygiene, Handwashing, Sterile Gloving and Gowning, Surface Sanitization, Transitions of Material and People, Cleanroom Behaviors, Manual Interventions
Aseptic Processing, Doffing, Donning, Environmental Monitoring, Flora, Handwashing, Hygiene, Line Clearance, Pass-Through, Turbulence, Unidirectional Air Flow (UAF)
Vertical and Horizontal Air Flow
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Vertical and Horizontal Air Flow
Course Overview
Learn how personnel and materials impact vertical and horizontal airflow, explore how personnel movement affects airflow, and practice moving in a way that minimizes airflow disruption.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of learning the proper techniques and behaviors when operating in a vertical or horizontal airflow environment, and the impact of incorrect actions.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Airflow, Aseptic Techniques and Behaviors, Slow and Deliberate Movement
Aseptic Processing, Environmental Monitoring, Vertical Airflow, Horizontal Airflow
Introduction to Aseptic Connections
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Introduction to Aseptic Connections
Course Overview
Explore aseptic connection methods, why they are important, and what they are used for.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of understanding aseptic connection function and their applications in the manufacturing process.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Aseptic Processing, Aseptic Connections, Sterility Assurance
Aseptic Connection, Bioburden, Bioprocessing, Closed System, Endotoxin, Fluid Transfer, Polymer Tubing, Sterilization
Connectors - Types and Uses
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Connectors - Types and Uses
Course Overview
Explore the main types and methods of making aseptic connections to mitigate contamination risks.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of choosing the proper aseptic connection, best practices for making aseptic connections, aseptic technique and behavior.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Aseptic processing, aseptic connections, sterility assurance
Aseptic Connection, Connector Fittings, Gendered Fittings, Luer Locks, Luer Slips, Polymer Tubing, Septum / Septa, Spike Port, Aseptic Quick Connect, Gendered Fittings, Quick connect fittings, Steam in Place, Steam Through Fitting, Triclamp Fitting
Tube Welding
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Tube Welding
Course Overview
Learn what tube welders are and how to use them to make aseptic connections.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of operating a welder, best practices for performing welds, identifying properly and improperly sealed welds, safety precautions
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Fluid Transfer, Aseptic Processing, Aseptic Connections, Sterility Assurance
Tube Welding, Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE), Silicone. Dry Welding, Wet Welding, Gamma irradiation
Aseptic Disconnections
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Aseptic Disconnections
Course Overview
Explore the methods used to make aseptic disconnections from fluid handling pathways.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of choosing the proper aseptic disconnection, best practices for making aseptic disconnections, aseptic technique and behavior.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Aseptic Processing, Aseptic Disconnections, Sterility Assurance
Aseptic Disconnection, Contamination, Disconnection Clips, Disconnection Collars, Disconnection Shears, Quick Connect Fittings, Thermoplastic Elastomer (TPE), Tube Sealing
Fluid Transfers
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Fluid Transfers
Course Overview
Explore the main types and methods of making fluid transfers.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of performing fluid transfer using gravity, a peristaltic pump, and the best practices for handling tubing.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Fluid Transfer, Aseptic Processing, Aseptic Connections
Backflow, Flow Rate, Fluid Transfers, Gravity Transfer / Gravity Feed, Pump Priming, Siphon, Peristaltic pump, Downstream Flow, Flow Rate, Inside Diameter (I.D.), Outside Diameter (O.D.)
Sampling with Aseptic Connections
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Sampling with Aseptic Connections
Course Overview
Explore the methods used to aseptically take samples during bioprocessing.
Coaching and Knowledge Assessments
Goals of sampling with aseptic connections, proper orientation of valves, and aseptic technique and behavior.
Technical and Regulatory Concepts
Aseptic Processing, Sampling, Process Monitoring
Aseptic Connection, Luer Locks, Septum / Septa, Backflow, Manifold, Septum Manifold Sampling System